December 5, 2008

Update to the Received not Invoiced Topic

I just discovered this morning that the canned RNI report in GP does not include items that have been received and not invoiced that are on closed POs. This to me is a glaring error in the canned report. Therefore, I would advise everyone to use the SmartList RNI as it does include data from closed POs. Of course, if you're a masochist, you could modify the canned RNI report in Report Writer.

Apparently when I reconciled the Purchase Accrual account to the canned RNI for a client earlier this year, none of their purchase orders were closed.

Therefore, the recommendation in my previous post to reconcile your SmartList RNI to your canned RNI is invalid.

Happy reconciling!


Jon Stielstra said...

VOIDED shipments are another thing to watch for with the RNI SmartList favorite (under 'Receivings Line Items'collection). I found not only voided Shipments on this SmartList but also voided Shipment/Invoices. My initial technique to eliminate them from my Excel export of the RNI was to also export a SmartList of *voided* Receivings Transactions, and use Excel's vlookup function to identify and and delete them from the RNI Excel range.

With SmartList Builder I intend to try to create a list that: 1) excludes the wrongly included lines from voided shipments and 2) also subtracts Qty Returned from Qty Shipped to determine whether further invoice matching is still needed.

Frank Hamelly said...

Thanks Jon. That's a great tip!