October 30, 2012

Revenue/Expense Codes in Job Costing

A question came up in my 'Using Job Costing as Project Accounting Lite' presentation at GPUG Summit regarding how to determine what bucket in Job Costing a particular Revenue or Expense transaction appears.  Here's the answer:

Manufacturing>>Job Costing>>Transaction List
1.  Enter your new or existing Job Transaction List
2.  Select the Trx Source
3.  Select the Transactions that you want to assign to specific Revenue/Expense Codes
4.  Choose whether to have the transaction Auto Applied to the job when the transaction is selected for the job.
If you need more Revenue/Expense Codes, set these up in Manufacturing>>Job Costing>>Rev/Exp Codes.
Using these setups, you can determine which revenue or expense buckets in the Job Maintenance window and Job Costing reports your transactions are coded to.
Thanks Debbie Clark at Entertainment One Television in Ontario, CA for the question!